Fortune, did you see Eric Penick's
kickoff return yesterday?
I saw it on TV.
He broke free right about here.
The 40. The 35. The 30!
The 25! The 20! The 1 5!
The 1 0! The 5! Touchdown Irish!
Hey, hey, hey, we got work to do.
Down, set, hut!
-You ever see a game from in here?
WeII, then your first game
wiII be one I'm pIaying in.
Whatever you say, kid.
You gonna watch me or heIp me?
Thanks for the bIanket and the key.
I don't know nothing about it.
Then who put the key on the cot?
You hear what I just said?
AII B's.
And an A.
I know my grades have gone down,
Father, but...
...I have a Iot of
extracurricuIar activities.
You did a good job, kid.
Admissions peopIe, you never can teII.
They're a funny bunch of squirreIs.
Have I done aII I can?