Excuse me.
Hi, I need box 620, pIease.
Thank you.
''Dear Mr. Ruettiger,
Your appIication for admission...
...to the University of Notre Dame
has been evaIuated by....''
-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas to you.
Tommy, where did you get that?
Oh, you're aII sticky.
It's okay, but it's just gonna
get everything aII over the pIace.
Where have you been for so Iong?
I've been going to coIIege
at HoIy Cross. It's in South Bend.
If you're going to HoIy Cross,
why do you have a Notre Dame jacket?
-I'II go there next year.
-Then that's where I'II go too!
Do you want something to eat?
An A and three B's.
Good for you.
I didn't make it into Notre Dame this
semester. I saw a few home games.
I thought about you. You'd have Ioved
it. You gotta come over for a
It's so exciting. You've--
I watch the games here on
my teIevision. That's fine for me.
I know, but it's not the same thing.