Nice game, guys.
Let's get that equipment in
and head on out!
Good game, fellas.
Come on, Josh.
His chess ideas are like
pieces of his body
he's reluctant
to give up.
For instance, he simply can't cope
with being told
not to bring his queen out
too early in the game.
Why shouldn't he?
He's won many a game
in Washington Square doing exactly that.
Why is this
suddenly wrong?
Try getting him to brush his teeth
What I'm trying to teach him
and what he's learning there
are two very
different things.
Park hustlers play
tactics, not position.
They rely on wild,
unpredictable moves
meant to intimidate
their opponents.
Great in a two-minute
speed game for drug money,
but it'll cost Josh
dearly in real games.
Well, he's learning
some new words.
Could you keep him from playing there
so much?
Not playing in the park
would kill him. He loves it.
Just makes my job harder.
Then your job's harder.
What are you
talking about?
We're already packed.
We're, like, out the door.
Make sure his laces are tied
if there's escalators.
I don't know why
I O.K.'d this anyway.
Well, you didn't.
He wants to do this.
I should've
dissuaded him.
I grew up playing
in tournaments.
They have nothing to do
with what's important.
They're about all
winning and losing. So?
It's not chess.
Ah. Chess is art.
That's right.
No. Chess is you appreciating
the beauty of Josh's play
at 60 bucks an hour.
Will you be ready to go
in 30 minutes or not?
He's not coming.