15 hundred?
Questions during
the course of the game,
raise your hand.
He was cheating. He tried to castle
when I had him checked.
O.K., I want to remind you
to conduct yourselves
like adults.
I don't want any trouble.
And you know exactly
what I'm talking about.
If you're going
to watch the game,
do so from
behind the player.
No throat noises.
No comments.
No eye contact.
Nobody cares if you're
guilty or not.
If you all
behave yourselves,
I think we'll all have
a very good time.
I'm not kidding.
Listen, my son can't play
with these pieces.
My daughter needs
her own clock.
Oh, this is unfair.
your clocks.
I did not pull on my ear!
You pulled on your ear!
I did not!
I scratched my ear!
- You're a liar!
- Break it up!
He's out of his mind!
Break it up!
I don't care!
Take your hands off me!