He gets it,
throws to first...
Gets him!
And one out.
That's a high-15
instead of a high-5.
I think we got it
in the bag now.
Come on, Bruce!
All right.
The windup and...
the pitch!
He's out.
And in first place--
Josh Waitzkin.
Mr. Waitzkin?
Oh, Hi.
How you doing?
Hi. I'm so glad
you could make it.
Me, too.
This is really great.
Isn't it? The children worked
very hard on it.
I understand from Josh
you just got back from Washington.
I think
that's super.
Yeah, it was great.
He told us
all about the hotel.
He was impressed
with that.
You've been taking him
a lot of places lately.
I think it's good.
It's important
for kids to travel.
It's a great education.
They start to realize
there's more to the world
than Washington Square.
Yes. He's been talking a lot about
Washington Square, too.