Why didn't He stop it?
Isn't God
supposed to be good?
Isn't He supposed
to love us?
Does God
want us to suffer?
What if the answer
to that question is yes?
See, I'm not sure that God
particularly wants us to be happy.
I think He wants us to be able
to love and be loved.
He wants us to grow up.
I suggest to you
that it is because God loves us...
that He makes us
the gift of suffering.
To put it another way,
pain is God's megaphone...
to rouse a deaf world.
You see, we are like
blocks of stone...
out of which the sculptor
carves the forms of men.
The blows of His chisel,
which hurt us so much...
are what make us perfect.
Thank you very much.
A woman has had a dream
about me.
She writes to ask
if I've had a dream about her.
I had a strange dream
last night.
Another letter
from Mrs. Gresham.
- I can't remember any of it.
- Jewish Communist Christian American.
You may ask me how I know
it was strange if I've forgotten it.
- Can't answer that one.
- I like her letters.
She can be quite sharp
Listen to this, Warnie.
She says, "I can't decide
whether you'd rather be...
the child caught in the spell,
or the magician casting it."
See, her letters are rather unusual.
She writes as if
she knows me somehow.
Still, I suppose there is something
of me in my books, isn't there?
I expect
it's just the American style.