
- Mrs. Gresham? How do you do?
- A pleasure.

- This is my brother, Warnie.
- Major Lewis.

Please, sit down.
So, you managed to find us.
Yes. I used the guide
and it was easy.

It's just that you don't look
at all like C.S. Lewis.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you,
not to mention the rest of Oxford.

No, l...
So you don't like that.

Well, I'm not what you might call
a public figure, Mrs. Gresham.

Oh, you're not?
I mean...

You write all these books and you give
all those talks and everything...

just so everybody
will leave you alone?

Oh, dear.
We've only just met
and already you see right through me.

- Tell me, do you drink tea?
- Tea? Sure.

- It's England, right?
- So it is. Waiter?

Actually, look, l...
I'm a little in awe of you
and so I'm a little tense...

and when I get like that
I get kind of...

I don't know.
It's very childish.
I'm sure I'll get over it soon.

Not too soon, I hope,

because I like
a good fight myself.

- You do?
- Yes.

You sound surprised.
That's great.
You like a good fight. Great.

When's the last time
you lost?

- I've been at Morland since 1925.
- It's beautiful here.

How old is it?
The college was founded
very nearly 500 years ago.

Not all the buildings
are that old, of course.

My room is there.
That's the new building.

- New, huh?
- 1733.

What does your husband do,
Mrs. Gresham?
