
Oh, that's nice.
Is it someplace real?
I think so. It's called
the Golden Valley, I believe.

- Somewhere in Herefordshire.
- Somewhere special?

In a way. It was on our nursery wall
when I was a child.

I didn't know
it was a real place then.

I thought it was a view
of heaven.

Oh, the promised land.
I used to think that one day
I'd come around a bend in the road...

or over the brow of a hill,
and there it would be.

I have been really hurt.
You know?

First time is always the worst.
That was when my mother died.
- How old were you?
- Nine.

- That's old enough to hurt.
- Oh, yes.

It was the end
of my world.

I remember my father in tears...
voices all over the house...
doors shutting and opening.
It was a big house,
all long, empty corridors.

I remember I had toothache,
and I wanted my mother to come to me.

I cried for her to come,
but she didn't come.

And after death,
did you believe you'd meet her again?

I don't think I had any faith
in anything when I was a child.

She was gone,
that was all.

And still you listen for the footsteps
coming down the corridors.

But they don't come.
- You should see the garden before dark.
- Yes, I'd like that.

- You'll need a coat.
- I have one right here.

- There's a lake! A wood with a lake!
- Oh, good.

It's really a flooded clay pit
for the old brick works.
