He takes the romantic view...
If you love someone, you marry them.
I'm number two.
He wants me to give him a divorce
so he can marry number three.
I see.
Bill's an alcoholic.
He's compulsively unfaithful.
And he's sometimes violent, and I guess
I haven't loved him for years.
- He's violent?
- Only when he's drunk...
and he doesn't really know
what he's doing.
It's just that he's worn me out.
That's the truth of it.
Joy, look,
if there's anything I can do...
There is.
You can be my friend.
I hope I'm that already.
In you get, young man.
- I'll take that for you, sir.
- Well, good-bye, Warnie.
- Thanks for putting up with us.
- Not at all.
We shall miss you.
Good-bye, Joy.
So they sail back tomorrow?
I'm not sure that God
particularly wants us to be happy.
I think He wants us
to be able to love...
and be loved.
Wants us to grow up.