I just don't think I see my way ahead
quite as clearly as you do.
It's one of my stories.
We live in the shadowlands.
Sun is always shining
somewhere else...
around a bend in the road...
over the brow of a hill.
A London number, please.
Yesterday, a friend of mine,
a very brave...
good woman...
collapsed in terrible pain.
One minute
she was fit and well...
next minute she was in agony.
She's now in hospital,
and this morning I was told she's...
suffering from cancer.
See, if you love someone,
you don't want them to suffer.
You can't bear it.
You want to take their suffering
onto yourself.
If even I feel like that...
why doesn't God?
- How is she?
- Not good.
I'm so sorry, Jack.
I just want her to be well again,
you see.
Of course you do.