
We've made her as comfortable
as we can.

Otherwise, there's nothing further
to report.

How much has she been told?
She's been told that the cancer
has eaten away her left femur.

- Oh, no.
- She knows it's serious.

The thigh bone snapped
like a frozen twig.

- I see.
- Can anything be done?

She's dying, Warnie.
That's putting it more starkly
than I would choose, Mr. Lewis.

No. But it's true,
isn't it?

The cancer is very advanced.
Don't talk if it hurts.
- Where's Douglas?
- He's staying with us for the moment.

I'll bring him over to see you
when... when you're up to it.

Thank you.
Do you have any water?
Were you here to visit me before?
A couple of times.
I thought so.
Sorry, Jack. I didn't mean
to cause you all this bother.

Don't talk nonsense.
You're the one
that's having the bother.

What I mean is,
you don't have to take care of me.

Well, who do you
expect to take care of you?

You know what
I'm trying to say.
