
- Jump!
- Mad. They're really mad, all of them.

It's known as high spirits.
Admit you're glad
I brought you.

It's pagan, it's vulgar,
it's all faintly silly, but it works.

Sunrise always works.
You have to hold it down. So how'd you
want it to look? Like that, right?

- Yeah.
- So describe that.

- It's got lots of sunlight.
- Hello.

- Well, type it.
- Hello, Douglas.

Jack, where did you say
the Golden Valley was?

Somewhere in Herefordshire, I think.
- Your tea's ready.
- All right.

Remember what we talked about.
It's important. We'll finish this later.

- Where did you say it was?
- Herefordshire, I believe.

And do you think
it still looks the same?

Oh, I very much doubt it.
You thought it was heaven?
I was only a child.
Let's look for it.
We never had a honeymoon.
- Are you up to traveling?
- It's not so far, is it?

I don't really know.
Where would we stay?

I don't know.
Small country hotel?

- You happy?
- Yes.

- What kind of happy?
- Just happy.
