We almost made it.
You know, I don't want
to be somewhere else anymore.
I'm not waiting
for anything new to happen...
not looking around the next corner
and over the next hill.
I'm here now. That's enough.
- That's your kind of happy, isn't it?
- Yes. Yes, it is.
It's not going to last, Jack.
We shouldn't think about that now.
Let's not spoil the time we have.
It doesn't spoil it.
It makes it real.
Let me just say it
before this rain stops and we go back.
What is there to say?
That I'm going to die.
And I want to be with you then too.
The only way I can do that is if
I'm able to talk to you about it now.
I'll manage somehow.
Don't worry about me.
I think it
can be better than that.