Short Cuts

I'm gonna let you go with
a warning this time, ma'am.

You were driving too slow.
Just as dangerous as driving too fast.

Please refrain from
doing so in the future.

Can I go now?
No, ma'am.
I have one more question.

What's that?
How many clowns
can you fit in this car?

I beg your pardon?
How many clowns can you
fit in this car, ma'am?

Why'd you take
my phone number?

Well, you never know when you might
need the services of a clown, ma'am.

- You have children?
- No, ma'am.

I, uh... I can use some cheering up
from time to time myself, ma'am.

Being a cop isn't easy.
You have a nice day now.
If there's anything I like
more than being mean...

it's being sneaky.
It's a trap!
- Of course it's a trap!
- Gene?

- Is that you?
- Affirmative!

With the Planeteers
out of our way...

Chad left the TV on.
Man dares to go where
only cows have gone before.

Bandini is the word
for fertilizer.

Oh, my God! Chad,
what are you doing here?

- Where's your dad?
- He had to go somewhere.

He had to go somewhere
without you?

He said he had
to do something.

- Something came up.
- Yeah.

I'll bet it did.
I'll bet something came up.
So, what'd he say
about you?

He said we'll have
to do it some other time.

He's a son of a bitch.
He's a son of a bitch.
