I wish you wouldn't do that.
You're not fooling me,
you know.
Hey Stuart, nothing counts against first,
most or biggest unless we're all fishin', man.
Yeah, I'm just settin' up
this new line. All right?
What about somebody...
What about setting up the camp here?
Somebody's gotta dig the hole.
I'll do that! Just give me
a couple of minutes here!
I'll help you.
Just let me take a leak first.
Hey, don't piss
on any firewood!
Yeah, and don't piss
in the water!
What are you
pissin'in the water for, Vern?
I kinda like the way it sounds.
Hey, Stuart, Gordon!
Come here a second.
What the hell is this?
Stuart, come here!
Gordon, get over here!
Holy Christ!
It's a dead body!
Look at that. Jesus!
Who do you think it is?
- It's a dead body, isn't it?
- Yeah, it's a woman, huh?
She's dead, isn't she?
Yeah, dead. I'll say.
Look at her.
I wonder how.
We gotta pull her out.