- That is a good painting.
- Yeah.
Really good.
- Colors are good.
- Yeah.
- Goes with the walls.
- But look at these fish, though.
- Aren't those cool?
- Mmm.
- Aren't those cool?
- Yeah, I don't really give a fuck about fish.
They just kinda swim and shit.
- Hey, your makeup looks good.
- Yeah?
- You think it's too much, though?
- No. You're like a model.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
- Hey.
- Almost ready.
- Did Bill do it?
- Yeah. Of course he did.
- Bill, you've gotta do me sometime.
- Yeah, sure.
Hey, make mine well-done.
Look at that.
- Look at that.
- Looks pretty.
So, what were you saying
about, um, the virt...
- What is it? The virtual...
- Virtual reality.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You know what "virtual" means?
Uh, sort of.
Okay, it's like really real.
So, virtual reality...
is practically, totally real...
- but not.
- Mm-hmm.
- Claire?
- Stand by.
At my command...
- Claire?
- Get back here!
Goddamn it!
I thought you weren't
coming home till tomorrow.
- Well, you know.
- Oh.
God, I hate that fish smell.
They said on the TV that
there was rain up there.
- Did you get rained out?
- No. Caught our limit.
- Oh.
- Mmm. Mmm, mmm, mmm.