Nothin' was gonna
change that.
- How old was she?
- Huh?
How old was she?
Oh, I don't know.
In her 20s, maybe.
You couldn't tell.
Must have been horrible.
What did you do?
I mean, after you
got her out of the water.
- Did she drown?
- We don't know.
I didn't think we should
move her, you know?
You left her in the water?
For how long?
Until we left
and reported it.
I tied her to the bank.
How long did you say
you left her in the water?
she was dead.
We didn't think we should
move her. It was dark.
We made a decision to leave her there
until we could report it!
She was already dead!
And when did you report it?
This morning. Today.
- Today?
- Yeah.
And when did you find her?
I told you.
Well, when did you
catch the fish?