Thank you.
- Whoo!
- Want to puff one? Want to puff?
- We'll be right back.
- Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
- Please. He'll see me.
- How you doing?
Good. I'd like to
sing you some songs...
that I used to do
with my ex, Chick Trainer.
That was before
he got me pregnant...
in Miami...
and before he
blew his brains out...
through the hole in his arm.
- Come here.
- And that was, like, 20 years ago.
- I don't want to talk to you, Earl.
I'm with some people. Okay?
- I'm with...
I'm with some people, Earl!
You're embarrassing me!
You're embarrassing me.
- Come on, have a drink.
- Earl!
- Here's a song that says something...
- Go!
that I think we've all said
at one time or another...
- To hell with love.
- You okay?
- Hey, even if the music sucks here...
- Mm-hmm.
we're still gonna have fun.
- All right?
- Yup.
I'm gonna like somebody
And let them like me
- Going further means chains
- You got a light?
Uh, no.
And I was born to be free
To hell with love
- I like this one. The sentiment anyway.
- To hell with love
- Shit. You want some?
- Yep.
I find a way to keep
From gettin' in too deep
To hell with love
- Yeah. It looks good.
- I like this one.
You looking for a friend, Trixie?
Uh, I don't need a friend.
I got a husband.
- You mean them boys that just left?
- Yeah. And they're coming right back.
I hope they don't
catch you talking to us.
- Yeah, they'll probably cut your dick off.
- Oh-ho-ho.