Six Degrees of Separation

"Not the Kittredges.
The Kittredges are kind."

So, after the muggers left, I looked up,
saw these Fifth Avenue apartments.

Mrs Onassis lives there.
I know the Babcocks live over there.

The Auchinclosses live there.
But... you lived here.
I came here.
Can you believe what the kids said?
Mm. Well...
He mentioned our kids' names.
We can mention our kids' names. They
won't sue us for mentioning their names.

Talbot and Woody mean the world to me.
Woody? He lets you call him Woody?
Nobody's called him Woody in years.

They described this apartment in detail.
Oh, this is a Kandinsky!
A double - one painted on either side.

May I see?
Yes, of course.
What makes it exceptional is that

Kandinsky painted on either side of the
canvas in two radically different styles.

One wild and vivid,
the other sombre and geometric.

My God!
We flip it around for variety.
Chaos, control. Chaos, control.
You like? You like?

It's wonderful.
(Flan) Vasili Kandinsky.
Born 1866, Moscow.
Blue Rider exhibition, 1914.

He said "The choice of object that is one
of the elements in the harmony of form

must be decided only by a corresponding
vibration in the human soul."

Died 1944, France.
Everything is just the way
they said it would be.

Did you bitch your parents?
As a matter of fact, no.
