Six Degrees of Separation

He started out as a lawyer
and is terrified of libel. I'm not.

Sidney Poitier.
The future Jackie Robinson of films was
born 24th of February 1927 in Miami

during a visit his parents made to Florida.
(man) Legally?
To sell tomatoes
they had grown in the Bahamas.

He grew up on Cat lsland so poor they
didn't even own dirt, he has said.

Neglected by his family, my father would
sit on the shore, and, as he's told me:

"conjure up the worlds that were on
the other side, and what I'd do in them."

He arrived in New York City from
the Bahamas in the winter of 1943

at the age of 15 and a half, and lived
in the pay toilet of the bus station

across from the old Madison
Square Garden at 50th and 8th Avenue.

He moved to the roof of the Brill Building,
commonly known as Tin Pan Alley,

washed dishes at the Turf Restaurant
for $4 and 11 cents a night.

He taught himself to read
by reading the newspaper.

In the black newspaper, the theatre page
was opposite the want-ad page.

Among his 42 films are:
No Way Out, 1950, Cry, the Beloved
Country, 1952, Blackboard Jungle, 1955,

The Defiant Ones, 1958, A Raisin in
the Sun, 1961, Lilies of the Field, 1963,

In the Heat of the Night, 1967, To Sir,
with Love, 1967, Shoot to Kill, 1988,

and, of course...
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner!
He won the Oscar for Lilies of the Field,
and was twice named top box-office star.

My father made no films from 1977 to
1987, but worked as director and author.

Dad said to me once:
"I still don't fully understand
how all this came about
in the sequence it came about."

(someone claps)
