Six Degrees of Separation

and then, one day, he loses it.
Loses the structure, loses the sense of it.
You lose the painting.

I remembered asking my kids'
second-grade teacher:

"Why are all your students geniuses?"
Look at the first grade - blotches of green
and black. The third grade - camouflage.

But your grade, the second grade...
Matisses, every one.
You've made my child a Matisse.
Let me study with you.
Let me into the second grade.
What is your secret?
I don't have any secret. I just know when
to take their drawings away from them.

I dreamt of colour.
I dreamt of our son's pink shirt.
I dreamt of pinks and yellows.
And the new Van Gogh
the Museum of Modern Art got.

And the irises that sold for $53.9 million.
And, wishing a Van Gogh was mine,
I looked at my English hand-lasted shoes,

and thought of Van Gogh's tragic shoes,
and remembered me as I was -

a painter losing a painting.
So. This morning.
I sat in the kitchen, happily doing
the crossword puzzle in ink.

Everybody does it in ink.
I've never met one person
who didn't say they didn't do it in ink.

I sat there happily doing the puzzle.
I looked at the time. It was nearly seven.

And Paul had to meet his father,
and I didn't want him to be late.

- Paul?
- (groaning)

Paul, are you OK?
What the fuck's goin' on here?
Who the fuck are you?

