Six Degrees of Separation

the bravery of his films,
gave me a direction, confidence.

Simple as that.
We're always paying off debts.
Then my beeper went off - a patient in
her tenth month. Her water finally broke.

I gave the kid my keys.
- Number 121.
- Thank you.

- Doug told me all about your brownstone.
- Is that right?

How you got it at a great price
because there'd been a murder in it,

and people thought it had a curse.
But you, sir, were a scientific man,
and were courageous.

Well, yes. Courageous.
Very courageous.
I ran off to the delivery room.
- Twins. Two boys.
- (woman) Ahh.

I thought of my son.
I dialled my boy at Dartmouth.

Amazingly, he was in his room.
Doing what, I hate to ask.

You've accused me of having
no interest in your life,

of not doing for your friends,
being a rotten father.

Well, this should make you very happy.
The son of who?
Dad, I never heard of him.

Dad, as usual, you're a real cretin.
You gave him the keys?

You gave a stranger who happens to
mention my name the keys to our house?!

Dad, sometimes it's
so obvious to me why Mom left.

I'm so embarrassed to know you!
You gave the keys to a stranger
who shows up at your office?!

Mom told me you beat her, and you drank
so much your body smelt of cheap wine.

Mom said sleeping with you was like
sleeping with a salad with bad dressing!

- Why did you bring me into this world?!
- There are two sides to every story.

You're an idiot! You're an idiot!
I went home, courageously.
With a policeman.
( string quartet music )
