- And now: "You and yourspleen".
- Not on your life.
Coming up, "Jinglebells" backwards ,
sung by ...
- Seattle, go ahead.
- This is Jonah ...
No lastnames, Jonah.
How old are you?
- I'm eight
- You're up late.
- It's notso late in Seattle.
- You're right What's your wish?
- My dad needs a new wife.
- You don'tlike te one he has?
- He doesn'thave one.
- Where's yourmum?
- She died.
- Well. wwho can believe this?
- I've been sad, butDad's worse.
- Have you talked to him aboutit?.
No, tatmakes him sadder.
Jonah, is your dad home?
- Is he busy?
- No, he's out on te deck.
Can'tyou ask him to talk to me?
- Wretched wwoman Hang up, Jonah
- No, he'd kill me.
He won'tbe angry when he hears
how concerned you are abouthim.
- Want to bet?
- Ifhe yells, you lose a fan.
Dad. there's someone
on the phone for you.
His name is Sam.
Ifyou'vejust tuned in, tonight's
topic is wishes and dreams.
We have a listenerfrom Seattle.
Sam, tis is Dr. Fieldstone
on NetworkAmerica.
What are you selling?
Micro-hibachis or knives?
Neiter. I want to help.
Yourson asked me foradvice.