Sleepless in Seattle

- Everything all right?
- Yes. Do you have kids?

You wwant mine?
I'll have an Absolut straight up.
Put that dowwn. Stop it
- There she is.
- Why is she bringing groceries?

- She's going to cook for us.
- Hi. Sam.

Let me guess. You must be Jonah.
This is it? The car is this wway.
She's on her sixth painter. And noww
she wwants the fireplace rebricked.

- I knoww her. I could call her.
- I'll just hit her wwith a brick.

That's so funny. You're so funny.
When she wwants something done
she says: 'You knoww best."

"But couldn't wwe flip the house
so the back is in front?"

"Put the front on a hinge so I can
get in wwith a garage door opener."

- 'Yes, wwe can. We'll just ..."
- "Move the cabinets."

Jonah, bring some of that stuff.
Do you like baseball?
Yes. In fact my firm has box seats
to the Mariners. Let's go some day.
