Sleepless in Seattle

I'm sorry, Walter.
Are you bleeding?

He's kissing herrightnow!
Are youspying on your fater?.
- Who is he kissing?
- I have to make tem stop.

- Howw wwill I explain this to Walter?
- She made dinner.

She brought food fora whole year!
It's good tatyour fater's dating.
It'sjusthard on you.

You tink you wantit
but when ithappens, itscares you.

Shouldn'tyour faterdecide
whetersomeone is right forhim?

He's notsane enough.
He's kissing her on the lips.
My dad's been captured by a 'ho

Calm down. Tomorrow,
when you're having breakfast -

- tell him howyou feel.
Don'tkeep itinside.

Miss Scarlett. In the broom closet.
With the radio.

Walter, you scared me.
Don't ever do that again.

- I saww a black wwidoww.
- You scared me and Victoria.

- It wwas right there.
- Next time I wwant you to say:

"Dad, I see a poisonous insect."
And I'll deal wwith it. Don't scream.
Becky thought Rick wwas on the radio.
It turned out the guy lived
in Duluth. Where's Duluth?
