Better do it.
Those rebels can fund a whole offensive
on what they take off you.
l'm ready for a game now.
He doesn't have time for a game.
GS-9 Miller?
A lot of attitude around here.
Welcome to "Marine World.'
Those people thought you were a sniper.
lt's an outcast profession.
They always go out in platoon strength.
We go out in pairs, sometimes alone.
Their idea of combat
is tearing up the countryside...
with heavy artillery
and millions of rounds.
We'll wait days for one shot, one kill.
Well, l guess it's a different
version of war.
There's a lot of them
and just a few of us.
What's that?
Sometimes these shells
get nicks and burs on them.
This little son of a bitch
will take your head of at 1,000 yards.
Have you had a chance to look over
our operations plan?
Yeah, l have,
but l wanna study it a little more.
All right. Forget the specifics.
How about an overview?
We'll get to that later.
l have a few things l have to do.
See you at 5- 0500.
Having had.
Having had what?
This is Corporal Papich's gillie suit.