You may have more experience than l do,
but with all due respect, gunny...
this mission is N.S.C.
Meaning l still have rank,
whether you see it or not.
Sorry, but l don't have to take orders
from you.
Fair enough.
You want to take point?
You're doing fine.
l got it.
- You sure?
- Yeah. Go ahead.
Oh, fuck!
Goddamn it!
- You all right, son?
- Yeah.
- Son of a bitch!
- Hey!
Relax. You did okay.
Thanks. You mean, there's a wrong way
to fall down a fucking mountain?
Your weapon, Miller!
lt's your life!
You knew that, and you saved it.
You're learning, son.
Our drop point from the railway
was east.
- Now, we're heading west here.
- l know that.