Tough, huh?
He's there, and he's out of range,
damn it!
l'm looking right at the ridge
that we came over.
l don't see a damn thing.
That's because he's smarter than you.
Come over here.
Glance down to the bottom of the finger.
Sweep up to your left
at 11 :00.
- Halfway.
- Got him.
Heading west.
Lost us.
Wrong. He's just doing
what he was trained to do.
He's circling our flank,
coming around us.
Gaining some ground.
He'll be waiting for us somewhere.
He'll know exactly where we are.
We have to take him out.
Taking a break?
Makes it sensitive.
Marries my finger to the trigger-break.
What are you gonna do, a pedicure next?
l guess some men are born to this work
and others aren't.