What kind of-
Who would do something like that?
l'd say the man you had
dead in your sights did this.
You don't know it was el Cirujano.
ProbabIy Alvarez's men. They probably
found out what the priest was doing.
He must have told them everything.
They're going to be waiting for us.
But if he told them everything,
why didn't they hit us here?
The hacienda's only three clicks away.
We should make our shots easy at dawn.
What? This mission is over.
Our contact is dead! All we do now
is get the hell out of here!
l've never turned back on a mission
in my life, and l ain't gonna start now.
Such gung-ho bullshit! Without the
specifics, it's a suicide mission !
They all are! l wouldn't be out here
unless l was ready to die!
We've got our location.
We've got our targets.
- And we got a time frame!
- You're out of your fucking mind!
l'm not going!
l've had enough of your mewling!
Shut your fucking mouth !
- l'm not going with you !
- The hell your aren't!
You have no choice!
-lt'll never work.
-We're going where they won't expect us.