I haven't seen one of these for years.
Actually, I hate them.
But your father will--
Look. He's giving Tony all that
Lyndon H. LaRouche rubbish again.
It's a known fact, Sonny Jim,
that a secret society...
...of the five wealthiest people,
known as the Pentavirate...
...run everything in the world,
including the newspapers...
...and meet tri-annually at a secret
mansion in Colorado known as...
-..."The Meadows."
-Who's in the Pentavirate?
The Queen, the Vatican,
the Gettys, the Rothschilds...
...and Colonel Sanders,
before he went tits-up.
I hated the Colonel,
with his wee beady eyes...
...and that smug look on his face.
"You're gonna buy my chicken. Oh!"
Dad, how can you hate the Colonel?
He puts addictive chemicals
in chicken...
...making you crave it fortnightly,
Interesting. Cuckoo.
Charlie, would you like a juice?
Look at what I've bought myself,
a Juice Tiger.
-A Juice Tiger?
-Yes, I juice everything now.
I'm on a new diet.
I'm on a Weekly World News
Garth Brooks Juice Diet.
-Margin, one-nil!
-Magic goal!
Let's have a look at the replay.
William, move your head.
Look at the size of that boy's head.
It's like an orange on a toothpick.
-You'll give him a complex.
-That's a huge noggin.
It's a virtual planetoid.
Has its own weather system!
Head! Move!
-Your Sherri's late.
...Sherri and I broke up.
Not Sherri?