That's the one I'm looking for.
I'm truly glad you
didn't follow them, Jack.
You'll look just fine
once you get your lips back.
Let me have that foot.
There's something about whiskers
that makes a man's lips...
...just shrink right on up.
I'll be damned!
Your foot shrunk!
Foot's two sizes smaller now.
That ain't mine.
You must've been drunk.
See? I wrote your name
right here at the bottom.
How do you suppose
that could have happened?
You know what I see?
I see the future. Right there.
You mean smoking it, or growing it?
You can't grow it this far north.
-Too cold!
-Yes, you can. Yes, you can.
It's called burley.
They want it and we can grow it.
You ever planted anything in the field
except your foot up somebody's backside?
I don't think I have, but I didn't shoot
my first man before I had to, either.
Now, you want to hear
what I have to say?
All right.
Here's what I'm offering.
I'll give you all a piece of my land,
each and every one of you.
I'll give you tools, fertilizer...
...and you keep half of the crop
when it comes in.
I'll take my share
and pay off the mortgage against me.
When the title clears...
...you can buy that land you worked,
for a fair price.
Are you talking about
selling your own land?
Your daddy would've died first.
He did, didn't he?