You going to take care of her?
Do that. You go work your fields
1 2 hours and then work hers.
-I got a question.
-Go ahead.
Tobacco seed.
We all know it's worth about
2,000 times its weight in gold.
You got no cash.
You got no collateral.
Your house, your land,
that's all mortgaged.
You don't have tools,
not even a mule.
Where you going to get money
for tobacco seed?
That's God's own truth.
Thank you for bringing that up.
Appreciate your concern and confidence.
I was getting around to that.
We're waiting to hear that.
Is the seed going to
fall out of the sky, Jack?
Hell, we're all....
We're all sitting on
a little something.
There's nothing you
can do with that thing.
But just maybe, we put all
of those little things together...
...we got something then.
Maybe we can get started.
All of us.
There's something we can do.
I don't know any other way to do this.
I got Confederate money
in the outhouse. You want it?
I don't see any way out of this
except what I'm saying now.
-Want me to sell my other arm?
-Buck, listen to me now.
I got a ruby brooch worth $ 1,000.
It's been in my family for 100 years,
but I can't eat it.
And neither can my family.
Anybody got a better idea than Jack's?
I'd sure like to keep my brooch.
Maybe y'all think I'm doing this
because he's my husband. You're wrong.
This is not just some idea to put
cash back in Jack Sommersby's pocket.
This is for all of us.