Did you bring the Acts of Assembly?
All rise, please.
Oyez, oyez. The Honorable
Barry Conrad Issacs is now sitting.
This court shall come to order!
All having suits to prosecute or
pleas to enter shall come forward...
...and they shall be heard.
Well, we were playing
a game of five-card...
...and Charlie, Mr. Conklin...
...saw Sommersby slip a card
off the bottom of the deck.
He jumped up
and called him a damn cheat.
And what happened
when you got outside?
Mr. Conklin hit Sommersby
in the stomach.
He went down like a sack of potatoes.
Then Sommersby got up
with a gun in his hand.
Charlie hollered,
''Don't shoot, Sommersby!''
But he shot him like a dog,
and he run off.
Now, is the man you refer to
as Sommersby...
...here in this courtroom?
That's him.
Let the record show
witness identified the defendant.