Ran out on the Army too.
That's why they call him ''Yellow Horace.''
When our boys were in a bad fix...
...he ran out and left them to it.
The Yankees found him behind the bushes.
We lost track of him after that.
But I knew him as soon as I saw him.
-What you're saying is--
-What I'm saying...
...is that man is a liar,
a thief and a deserter.
-And his name is Horace Townsend.
-Thank you, Mr. Folsom.
Your Honor...
...I believe the defense
has proven beyond a doubt...
...that this is a case
of wrongful arrest--
Your Honor, may I speak?
You may not.
-I move for a mistrial.
-If I dismiss my attorney...
...may I then speak?
You have the right to.
-You are dismissed.
-You don't need to.
On the basis of that man's testimony,
I'm about to rule on a mistrial.
Mr. Webb is trying to prove
I'm not who I am.
I don't see how I could win
anything that way.
You could win your life.
Without my name,
I don't think I have a life...
...Your Honor.
Very well.
Continue, sir.
Thank you, Mr. Webb.
I said, thank you.
-Mr. FoIsom.
-That's me.
You testified that you knew me
as soon as you saw me.
Did we ever meet...
...since the time you said
that I lived in Redthorn?
I don't believe so.