Anybody home ?
- Hello !
- Hey !
[ Laughing ]
Oh, uh, sorry.
l need a, uh, screwdriver.
Ah, l'm sorry.
l'm all out of vodka.
Oh, no, no, no. l-l-l need
to borrow a real screwdriver...
uh, to open my...
uh, uh, my, uh,
daughter's trunk.
Oh, you have a daughter.
Ha ! ls she hot ?
- What ?
- Don't worry. l'll keep
a special eye on her for ya.
- My name's Crawl.
- Oh, uh-- [ Gasps ]
Ha ! And l'm
the resident advisor.
- Aw, shit.
- What ? Hey, wait. Come back.
- Aw, shit !
- Don't leave me hangin' !
Ooh !
l'm not gonna have her livin'
across the hall from that, uh,
- that, that thing over there !
- Who ?
- l told you l didn't like
this coed business.
- Calm down, Walter.
Hey ! Oh.
Rebecca, everyone, l'd like you
to meet my girlfriend Lisa.
- Hi.
- [ Warners ] Hi.
Nice to meet you.
l'm really sorry about that.
- Aren't you, Zack ?
- [ Zack ] Speak for yourself.
Well, l'm sure
l'll see you again soon.
- Yeah.
- And l'll see you next weekend.
Oh, Dad. Dad, do you have
your camera handy ? Ohh !
Now you just remember. lf you don't like
this damn place, you can go to State.
She's gonna love it, Walter.
Aren't you, dear ?
- You guys, l'll be fine.
- Stay out of trouble, okay ?
l will as long as you
stay out of my room.
Oh, and give your roommate
a big kiss for me.
- ln the shower.
- Get in the car, Zack.
Let's just get the rules
straight here.
There will be absolutely no partying
in this hall between the hours...