Son in Law

stuff to hospitals.
You'll probably see some of his work
wash up here onshore from time to time.

- Really, you will.
- [ Rebecca Laughs ]

Wow ! She is fantastic !
- Let me see her.
- Hey, hey, hey. Oh, oh ! Touch me !

Touch me. Hey, over here !
Somethin' just came up !
She's a hottie.

That's the kind of girl
l'm gonna marry, Rebecca. l promise.

-Oh, you could do much better than that.
-Better than that ?

Well, l never seen
no one better than her.

- Oh, my God.
- No one likes me like her ever.

Look at that guy.
What happened to him ?

- Steroids.
- His cones are bigger than mine.

Becca... Travis.
What ? l'm just looking.
[ Announcer ] Hollywood's got her
set up for the body slam and, oh !

That's gotta hurt, boys.
Lightning comes back with
a shoulder hook for the escape.

Whoo ! Get her for big daddy now.
Come on, for big daddy, big daddy.
[ lndistinct Yelling ]
Yeah !
[ Laughing ]

- Those are my kind of girls !
- Let's just go. Let's just--

Fake cones,
Lee Press-Ons, hair extensions.
That's the girl l'm gonna marry.

[ Announcer ] Let's hear some noise
for Hollywood and Lightning,

with Hollywood taking that one
in three falls, gentlemen.

- Three falls. Hollywood and Lightning.
- Here. Resident advisor.

[ Announcer ] All right, sports fans,
are you ready to rumble ?

We've got a challenge match
this evening.

- And in the far corner,
the resident advisor !
- Crawl.

- Let's hear it for Crawl !
- That's me ! Oh!

That's me ! That's me !
And his worthy opponent,
the queen of the ring,

a ton of fun,
the brawlin' bunny, Thumper !

Aha ! Yeah !
- l hope the resident advisor
hasn't been ditching P.E.
- Aah !

Thumper's got him
up in a full helicopter.
He's twirlin', he's twirlin' !

Oh ! And down he goes
with a body slam, boys !

Oh, geez !
Get away ! Help !
Get away !
Get him ! Get him ! Kill him !
Oh ! Oh, God ! Ow !
