Oh, buddy ! l'm here !
l have arrived !
Oh ! Oh !
[ Kisses Ground ]
Oh ! Noing-noing
- House looks great.
- Yes, dear. Some things never change.
Oh, Pappy !
Excuse me. Hi, can you
just tape this for us ?
Just-- Yeah, just--
Here. Just get me.
Oh, what's up,
Middle America ?
Rippin' the fields.
A-hoo ! A-hoo !
Gettin' barreled.
Pipeline. Ooh !
Sorry. l just get real excited.
Just never been here before.
Look, uh, uh, Crotch.
- Crawl.
- Right. You're gonna be
sleepin' up in Zack's room.
- Cool. We'll get to know each other.
- Can't wait.
What'd they do to ya, Shortcake ?
l can't hardly recognize you.
You guys have chickens ?
Oh, l love chickens.
Are they extra crispy
or original recipe ? [ Cackling ]
Who in the hell is that ?
[ Babbling ]
- [ Cackling Continues ]
- What's wrong ?
We have to talk. Come on.
Good God Almighty.
[ Crawl ]
Wait, stop ! Hi, sweetie.
[ Cackling ]
l'm on your side.
Chickens !
Hey, l wouldn't get any closer
than that if l was you.
You go in there, old Samson,
he's gonna have his way with you.
- Chickens ? Please.
Gobble, gobble, gobble.
- Bull. [ Snorting ]
[ Snorting ]
- Aah, aah, aah !
- Yah ! Back off, Samson !
Ah, ah !
Thank you so much.
Hey, hey !
What are you doin' ?
l just wanted to say
thank you for saving me.
l've never been on a farm before.
- You're kiddin'.
- Uh-uh. Hi.
l'm Rebecca's friend. My name's Crawl.
Pleasure to meet you, bro.
- Ow.
- l'm Theo. Nice to meet you, bro.