Okay, say bye, Bartle.
See ya later.
l'm gonna be--
l'll just be, um--
There's, um--
[ Screen Creaking ]
Hey, Warners ? Look,
l'm sorry l snapped back there.
l just never been
in a place so pure.
- So if l'm being
an inconvenience, let me know.
- Well, actually--
- Not at all.
Please just make yourself at home.
- Really ?
- Um-hmm.
- Where's the kitchen ?
- lt's right back there.
- l'm gonna go munching
on some grindage.
Ha ! Ooh-ooh !
[ Crawl Gasps ]
Look at this place.
[ Cockney Accent ]
Spectacular quarters, me matey.
Did you design it yourself ?
Look what l got for you, buddy.
A sandwich too.
- That's okay. l'll pass.
- You sure ?
- Yeah.
- Okay, l'll put it over there
just in case you get hungry later.
Since we're gonna be roommates.
- [ Gasps ] The 2-CJX ! Look at this.
- [ Computer ] Hello, Zack.
- Don't touch that.
- l just wanted to take a peep.
Maybe now's a good time
to talk about the rules in my room.
- Rules ?
- Yeah.
Rule number one:
Don't touch anything.
- And what's rule number two ?
- There's only one rule.
- Don't touch--
- Anything !
Got it.
l'm takin' this back.
- You ever meet the tooth fairy ?
- No.
- Never ?
- No.
- l wouldn't fall asleep if l were you.
- Mom !
- l'm just kidding !
- Mom !
Relax, bro. Come on.
l'm Becca's friend, dude.
Puffy Cheeks, chill.
- There, girl.
- [ Mooing ]
- So, um, how's your mom doin' ?
- So... what's goin' on ?
- What do you mean ?
- This guy.
- l mean, who is he ?
- Oh, Travis, l'm sorry.
He's my neighbor.