- not to go and marry
the first thing that comes along.
- Thing ?
Well, yes.
He's... weird.
- You are so out of it, Connie.
- l am not--
- What is this ''Connie'' business ?
l'm your mother !
- And l'm an adult !
Oh, well, uh, uh--
[ Crawl ]
Oh, perfect timing. Listen.
- l got some amazing thoughts
about this bachelor party.
- Never mind about that.
l need to know
what your plans are.
Well, actually, sir,
l was thinkin' about stayin' in school
for a couple more years.
You know, goin' into
European Studies, buddy.
l mean, cruisin' around
Europe, backpacking, right ?
Munchin' that ch-ch-ch-cheese,
- a little vino.
- [ Walter ] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Now just a minute here.
How do you propose...
to support my daughter ?
Well, what do you do ?
- l run this farm.
- There. l could do that.
- Huh ?
- l mean, since l'm part
of this family now.
lt's tough, but l'll probably
take over when you retire.
- You wanna be a farmer ?
- l think l'm gonna be sick.
[ Walter ]
Now look here, son.
Farmin' is not like sittin'
on your butt in school.
- Farming is hard work.
- Yeah, l know.
l'm gonna do the nine-to-fiver.
- Nine-to-fiver.
- Uh-huh. Huh !
Nine to five.
You hear that, Theo ?
l think we got ourselves a farmer.
You think you could show him...
- the ropes a little bit tomorrow ?
- Oh, yeah.
- [ lmitating Crawl ]
lt would be my pleasure.
- Now remember,
- we get started first thing
in the morning.
- Cock-a-doodle-doo !
[ Rooster Crowing ]
[ Snoring ]
Rise and shine, valentine.