- Ooh, you just love your foody !
- Yah, pig !
- [ Pig Squealing ]
- Yah !
Aah ! Nice piglet !
Piggy ! Piggy !
[ Theo Laughing ]
How you like farmin', city boy ?
All right, City,
just climb up on this tractor here.
- l used to have one of these
when l was a little fella.
- That's wonderful.
Get up there. l want you to fire it up.
You gotta pull out the silver button,
- push the black 'un.
- The blacken ?
Come on. l ain't got all day.
- Ooh !
- All right. Now,
- drop it down into first gear there,
down to your right.
- Yeah ?
- And then bring her on back in.
Give it plenty of gas.
- Okay.
[ Screaming ]
Stop, Theo ! Theo, stop it !
- Help !
- l forgot to tell ya there.
That first gear can be
just a little tricky.
Kinda saggy there, Elsie.
[ Chuckles ]
l know a killer doctor
in Beverly Hills...
- [ Mooing ]
- that will nip and tuck ya.
Oh, just chill, buddy. Here we go.
A little milk-age. Check it.
[ Mooing ]
Oops, wrong button.
Lunch !
Old Theo told me
the cow pissed on his head.
?? [ Crawl Humming
''Old MacDonald Had A Farm'' ]
Mmm, smells like down-home cookin'.
- You okay ?
- Hey, hey, hey, l'm okay.
First day, first day.
This barnyard stuff is not
as easy as l thought, though.
l gotta hand it to you Mr. Warner.
You farm guys got it goin' on.
Yeah, well, l guess your farm days
are about over, huh ?
Nope. Just haven't found my groove yet.
Groove ? You destroyed my fence.
l lost half my chickens.
You messed up my tractor.
Listen, l figure your ''groove'' cost me
about close to $1,000 this morning.
Sir, l plan on paying
you back for the damages.
How are you gonna do that ?
You don't even have a job.
Well, yes, l do. l'm a farmer.
Don't be callin' yourself a farmer.