- Hi.
- Hi. Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm fine.
This is it. 16 months ago.
I didn't murder anybody.
This witness is lying.
One memeber of the police department
agrees with him.
Thomas Hardy
made this statement to the press.
I do not think
Kesser is the killer.
Important information was withheld.
Can you tell us
what that information is?
Two of the women
were called from police call boxes.
Why didn't you say that?.
A Pittsburgh cop did it!
An offical police report
denied Hardy's accusations.
The controversy has not
changed Kesser's death sentence.
Airtight case.
Kesser had no alibi at all.
He confessed to the murder
of his accomplice as self-defense.
He denied the Polish Hill murders.
We found evidence from the murders
in his hotel room, -
- and the gun
that killed Vince Hardy.
Then why does Hardy
think that Kesser was framed?
Kesser's fingerprints weren't
on the gun. It was a police special.
The serial numbers were erased.
Hardy starts barking conspiracy.
- He thinks the killer's a cop.
- No one thought he was innnocent?
Yeah, Kesser.
Well, Bob, he's putting them in
the Allegheny or the Monongahela.