for the Fuhrer's bold action...
to ensure the safety
of our German brothers...
in the Sudetenland.
The Czech army
offered no resistance...
to the overwhelming strength
showed by our forces.
There have also been
numerous reports...
of spontaneous celebration
by the Czech people.
Many poured out into the street
to greet our brave soldiers...
and to express gratitude and
relief for their liberation.
Today, a meeting was held...
between Foreign Minister
Von Ribbentrop...
and the president
of Czechoslovakia.
Von Ribbentrop expressed
that in the Fuhrer's words...
it should now be clear
to all nations...
that Germany stands ready
to protect...
members of the German race...
no matter across what border
they may live.
Go, Hitman!
He's his old self again.
He's supermergentroid...
but he still can't play
ascending octaves.
Ow! Smooth!
Hey, fly boy!
You have any dog fights yet?
No, but we'll get
our chance soon enough.
Can you imagine that?
Just up there flying around.
I'd get dizzy.
The Luftwaffe would
like to request a song...
and I want you to play it.
Peter, what about it?
Wait a minute.
Tell them we play
what we want to play...
and if he doesn't like it,
he can go someplace else.
You'll go someplace else
after tonight...