Boys, could you go for these?
Ooh, I like these.
Look at those breasts.
- Otto, where did you get these?
- I got 'em.
What would you call that?
Cupcake size?
Ooh, look what we have here.
Peter's priss.
- Have you talked with her yet?
- Who said I'm interested?
Your tongue was on the floor.
Didn't we see you pigeons...
at the Cafe Bismarck
the other night?
We wouldn't be
caught dead there.
Especially not with you,
Thomas Berger.
- Well, you missed it.
- Why? What's so great about it?
Well, it was
the swingingest party ever.
- Right, Peter?
- Swingingest. Supermergentroid.
Super what?
Come on, Evey.
They talk gibberish.
No. It's a secret language
we're not allowed to know.
It's all too secret.
Ha ha!
You go to my head
And you linger
like a haunting refrain
And I f/nd you
spinning round in my brain
Like the bubbles
in a glass of champagne
What did you do today?
Did you and Thomas
go down to the docks?
Yeah. We went
down there after school...
but no new records came in.
So, what are we doing tomorrow?
Are we going to go
to the Hall Club?
I saw you looking at me.
You can't deny it.
What are you doing?
Don't touch her!
- Mama!
- Goddamn you!
Leave him alone!
No, don't! Peter! No!
Peter, no! Don't! Don't!
No! I'm all right.
I'm all right.
Herr Hinz was just leaving.
I thought a woman
of your special background...
would value my protection.
Your boy needs a haircut.
- That's our business.
- Perhaps not.
We have nothing to fear.
For six years,
I've proven my loyalty.
The new order
demands absolute loyalty.
Youth of his sort
belong in a work camp.