Enough Mitsu already.
T-minus two minutes
and counting.
Let's go, Mikey.
Why are you wearing shorts?
Kenshin switched with April
and got her clothes.
Yeah, so?
So this is for whoever
comes through in my place...
so they won't arrive
bare-butt naked.
I got three more pairs.
We have no time for this
scientific debate.
Yes, master.
Come on, guys, let's go.
It's time.
The inscription says,
"Open wide the gates of time."
All right already.
Let's go!
Go with care, my sons,
and return with swiftness.
We will not fail you,
Master Splinter.
OK, guys.
Hold on now.
Here we go.
It's starting to work.
Hang on!
Make sure your tray tables...
are in their full
upright positions!
Hang on to your shells, dudes!
This is very bad.
They are not four priests.
They are my father's
honor guard.
The scepter was
not in the temple.
There must have been a battle.
I knew it.
I'm missing all the fun.
Where are the priests?
Where's the temple?
Talk about your quantum leap.