The family is difficult.
Not one of them wants to be different.
And when they are,
they end up like Ellen's parents.
Nomads. Continental wanderers.
Dragging Ellen about.
Lavishing on her an expensive
but incoherent education.
Out of them all, there's not one that
takes after me but my little Ellen.
You've got a quick eye. Why in
the world didn't you marry her?
For one thing, she wasn't
there to be married.
No, to be sure.
And she's still not.
The count, you know...
...wrote to Mr. Letterblair.
He wants her back.
On her own terms.
The count doesn't defend himself,
I will say that.
And Ellen will be losing
a great deal if she stayed here.
There's her old life:
gardens at Nice...
...jewels, of course,
music and conversation.
She says she goes unnoticed in Europe.
But I know her portrait's
been painted nine times.
All this, and the remorse
of a guilty husband.
I'd rather see her dead.
Would you really?
We should remember marriage is
marriage, and Ellen is still a wife.
Ellen! See who's here!
Yes, I know. I went to see your
mother to ask where you'd gone.
Since you never answered my note,
I was afraid you might be ill.
He was in a rush
to get married, that's why.
Off the train and straight here.
He wants me to use my influence...
...to marry his sweetheart sooner.
Surely between us we can persuade
the Wellands to do as he wishes.
Newland, you see?
Right to the problem, like me.