- I didn't know when you were leaving.
- I'm not leaving.
Granny's asked me to take care of her.
- Then we must talk now.
- I'm due at Regina's.
Granny lent me her carriage.
Granny says Beaufort's a scoundrel,
but so is my husband...
...and the family wants me
to return to him.
Only Granny understands.
She's even seen to my allowance.
- I must see you somewhere alone.
- In New York?
Where we can be alone.
The art museum in the park.
2:30 tomorrow.
I'll be at the door.
You came to New York
because you were afraid.
- Afraid?
- Of my coming to Washington.
I thought I would be safer.
Safer from me?
Safer from loving me?
Shall I come to you once
and then go home?