I couldn't wait.
- I wish it hadn't been at a ball.
- But even here we're alone.
The worst of it is that
I want to kiss you and I can't.
Did you tell Ellen as I asked you to?
I didn't have a chance after all.
She's my cousin.
If others know before she does....
She's been away for so long.
She's rather sensitive.
I'll tell her.
But I didn't see her yet.
- She didn't come at the last minute.
- At the last minute?
She thought her dress
wasn't smart enough.
We thought it was lovely,
but she asked to be taken home.
Oh, well.
Very handsome.
Very liberal.
In my time, a cameo set in pearls
was thought to be sufficient.
But it's the hand that sets off
the ring, isn't it?
The setting shows
the stone beautifully.
But it looks bare
to old-fashioned eyes.
I hope you don't mean mine, my dear.
I like all the novelties.
My hands were modeled in Paris by
the great Rochet. He should do May's.
Show me, child.
Her hand is so tempered.
These modern sports spread the joints.
But the skin is white.
When's the wedding?
Soon, if only you'll back me up,
Mrs. Mingott.
We must give them time
to know each other better.
Know each other?
Everyone in New York
has always known everyone.