Morgan, I have a little job for you.
- Ajob?
- Yes. J.D. Clampett has a daughter your age.
Now, she's goin'
to high school with you.
I want you
to show her around.
- Just be her friend.
- Oh, man.
You wanna pay me
to hang out with her?
She must be a major bowwow.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Now picture this.
I cut off your allowance...
Cancel your credit cards...
And delete you from my will.
Now, how do you see
your future?
Grilling frozen cow parts
at Burger King?
And people say you're stupid.
Monday morning,
first period, 8:00 a. M...
she'll be like the little sister
Mom thought would ruin her figure.
- The dog will go to the plaintiff,
Honey, I'm home.
Why don't you come here and give your little
embezzling cowboy a ride around the bungalow.
- No.
- Why not?
'Cause I'm still living in this dump when I should
be living in a mansion in Beverly Hills.
Laura, sweetheart.
Bungalows 3A, 3B and 3C
are in Los Angeles.
We live in 3G
which, technically, is in Beverly Hills.
You're all talk, Tyler.
You said we'd have
enough money this month...
to buy me that little
baby sealskin coat.
- We will.
- Promises, promises.
Sweetie, we will.