These criminals must be
prosecuted and incarcerated...
before our client finds out
what happened.
The reputation of Milburn Drysdale is at stake.
Would everyone turn
to the right, please.
Huh.! Hmm.! Pathetic.
Now we have, starting on the left,
a Jedediah Clampett.
- Then, next to him, his daughter, Elly May.
- Huh?
And a Daisy Mae Moses, a. k. a. "Granny. "
And a nephew, jethro Bodine.
And some woman involved in a drive-by slapping.
Oh, chief. Chief. Are you okay?
Chief. Quickly! Say something!
Say something!
You're fired!
Mr. Clampett, sir!
I am deeply sorry...
for any embarrassment
my former assistant might have caused you.
- L-I...
- Yes, sir. L-I...
I- I humbly apologize
for my egregious error.
And rest assured
that it will never happen again...
as I am no longer
in the employ of the bank.
Chief, Mr. Drysdale,
I will clean out my desk at once.
Oh, dear.! Oh, please,
don't trouble yourselves.
Please, gentlemen. Oh. Oh, thank you.
Don't trouble yourselves.
Oh, I'm... Thank you. Thank you so much.
Oh, thank... No.
So, then everything is fine?
Mr. Clampett, please don't
take your money from my bank.
I'll do anything you want.
I'll contribute to charities, anything.
I'll eat mud.
That won't be necessary.
All I want is for this here lady
to watch over my affairs.
Me? You want me?
Well, I reckon
you done what you done...
'cause you didn't know
we was who we was.
And if we hadn't have been
who we was...
we'd have still been much obliged
for you a-doin' what you done.