Oh, happiness!
Well, uh...
I've disturbed
your work enough, ma'am.
Jethro, have you considered
getting a new car?
Nope, but I told UncleJed we should slap
a new coat of paint on this'n.
But he said just
'cause we had money...
we didn't need to go
showin' it off.
I was just thinking,
oh, you should, you should.
You would look so good
in a big new fashy car.
Big fashy car, huh? Maybe.
Okay, Miss Jane,
I'm 'bout ready to pull over.
You are so impossibly romantic.
Close your eyes.
Hot diggity dog!
Okay, now,
keep 'em closed.
How charmingly old-fashioned.
Open your eyes
and look up.
Ain't she pretty?
Oh, my God!
The chief is going to kill me.
We'll be back
with the financial news after this message.
I'm jethro Bodine.
I'm talkin' to all
you ladies out there.
Are you looking for
the perfect husband?
Then considerjed Clampett.
Yes, Jed is rated triple A's...
for a-ttractive, a-vailable,
and a-billionaire.
So come on down
to the Commerce Bank of Beverly Hills...
and see me, jethro Bodine,
vice president.
- Dear, what's the matter?
- And remember.
I'm not onlyJed's wife finder.
I'm also his nephew.